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0. The programme and the speakers of the Conference
29 Ottobre 2008
2007 Word Social Forum Nairobi
“The city as a common good. What Future for the informal settlements?” Conference and open debate co-organized by Toi Saving scheme, Mwamko wa Vijana, Pamoja Trust and Zone Onlus, WSF007, Nairobi. Look at the note


The theme is the city as a common good, the relevance of this expression in today’s divided cities, the challenges posed by informal settlements in Nairobi and the struggle to find viable alternatives. Spatial forms are relevant in determining the socio-ecological and political-economic conditions of a community. At the same time our struggles are inscribed in space, time and environment in multiple ways, as well as places are constructed and experiences as intricate network of social relations. A shift in perspective is needed for overcoming inequality, alienation and injustice in cities, and this demand a collective effort. The open debate in Toi market includes a presentation of the Toi Market Slum Upgrading Initiative and a contribution by Muungano wa Wanavijiji and KOPA.

Session I: Toi Market, in Kibera Drive

Introduction by Joseph Muturi and Joseph Kimani

Presentation of the Toi Market Slum

Upgrading Initiative

Presentation about "celebrating people's struggles".by Muungano wa Wanavijiji (Federation of saving schemes) and COPA (Community Organizing Practioners Association of Kenya.)

Open debate and interaction between all participants

Session II: World Social Forum – Kasarani

Introduction, by Ilaria Boniburini

The City as a common good in the European experience, by Edoardo Salzano

Informal settlement integration. The role of professionals by Erastus O.Abonyo

Urban design and housing in Nairobi and public space needs in informal settlements by Dr. Susan Kibue

Slum Upgrading and informal settlements in Nairobi

by Jane Weru

The training of the building professionals and its relevance in informal settlements by Gathogo Githatu



Erastus Abonyo: Architect, Partner of Tecta Consultants and lecturer at the University of Nairobi, School of Built Environment. Field of research: urban design and human settlement planning. Vice-chairman Architectural Association of Kenya and chairman Board of Education, Board of registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors

Ilaria Boniburini: Architect, conservation specialist. Recently enrolled in a Ph.D program in urban planning at the University of Florence. Field of research: urban planning and segregation. Chairman of Zone Onlus.

Georgia Cardosi: Architect, self –employed practitioner. Involved with Toi market redevelopment project since 2004, she is the coordinator of the design team and project coordinator for Zone Onlus

Susan Kibue: Architect and senior lecturer at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, School of Architecture and Building Sciences. Chairperson of Dept. of Architecture. Recent research in traditional architecture in the context of social cultural economic and political atmosphere. Ph.D research in “Cultural Adaptations of Urban Dwellers in Nairobi”.

Joseph Kimani: Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies and a certified Community Organizer. Worked for human rights organizations in Kenya in community advocacy before joining Pamoja Trust, where is currently coordinating the Youth Program as a Senior Program Officer.

Gathogo Githatu: Architect, partner of ArchLink Consultants, and lecturer at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Department of Landscape Architecture.

Joseph Mukeku: Senior architect at the Tecta Consultants, in charge of Kambi Moto Slum Upgrading Project. Master in Architecture from the University of Nairobi, and Master in Environmental Design from Cambridge University. Community led projects’ expert for the Toi Market Redevelopment Project.

Joseph Muturi: Certified Social Worker and Community Mobilizer, Founder and current Treasurer of the Munungano wa Toi Market Saving Scheme – a member of the Slum Dwellers Federation of Kenya.

Joash Odemo, Architect Technician, Dip. Kenya Polytechnic. In practice since 2004, specialised in community based projects and mainstream practice. Currently working with Tekto Consult in Nairobi.

Margaret Okoth: Community Mobilizer, trader at Toi Market and member of the Toi Market Saving Scheme.

Hezekiah Rema: Certified Social Worker and Community Mobilizer, Founder and Chairperson of the Munungano wa Toi Market Saving Scheme – a member of the Slum Dwellers Federation of Kenya.

Edoardo Salzano: Urban and regional planner, consultant for Italian Local Governments, author of several books on urban planning. Founder and director of www.eddyburg.it, a website concerning urban planning, society and political issues. He was city counsellor in Rome and Venice, Major’s assistant for urban planning in Venice, professor and Dean of the Faculty of Town and Regional Planning at University IUAV of Venice.

Jane Weru: Lawyer by profession, and expert on Urban Poverty Issues. Currently the Executive Director of Pamoja Trust, which is the supporter agency for the Kenyan Federation of Slum-Dwellers-Muungano wa Wanavijiji. A member of the Provincial Commissioner’s Informal Settlements Commettee. Member of the Slum Dwellers International (SDI) and the UN-Habitat Slum Upgrading Facility.

Zone Onlus is a non- profit association based in Italy. It supports through advocacy, reserach and technical support and long term and sustainable development that can guarantee to every individual health, education and accessibility to the necessary resources for a dignified life; to work in the respect of environment and territorial resources.

Ilaria Boniburini(Chairman) - ilariaboniburini@zoneassociation.org - tel: +39 3473196786

Toi saving scheme is a member of the Muungano wa Wanavijiji (Slum Dwellers Federation of Kenya. Formed to unite the people of Toi market and enable them speak with one voice, protect the residents from forced evictions by the government, help the residents manage their small business and micro-finance issues and help the members in achieving their goal of permanent residential areas

Joseph Muturi (Treasurer) -josephmtr@yahoo.com tel: +254 (0) 722249360

Pamoja Trust is a Kenyan non-profit organization formed in 1999 to mobilize and support movements of the urban poor. It provides technical advice to poor communities in legal, financial and project development matters, community mobilization, training, establishment and management of saving schemes and mobilization of national and international support for community activities. Jack Makau (Programms Coordinator) – jmmkauontheweb@yahoo.com - tel. +254 (0) 723912454

Mwamko wa Vijana is a Slum Youth Federation whose objective goal is to increase space, voice and visibility of the Youth and children in the informal settlements of Kenya, by ensuring their full participation in decision making processes and activities that affects and influence their human and developmental growth.Joseph Kimani (Youth program coordinator) -joskimani2004@yahoo.co.uk - tel. +254 726 741 685

Toi market initiative is a project for the redevelopment of Toi informal market in Kibera, Nairobi. It includes an integrated multi-functional structure with market facilities, urban infrastructure and services. The project is based on the priority of upgrading communal areas, and is undertaken through a community led slum upgrading project.

Partners: Toi Market saving scheme - Muungano wa Wanavijiji – Pamoja Trust

Joseph Mukeku – jomukeku@yahoo.co.uk - +254 (0) 722833505

Georgia Cardosi – geo.c@libero.it - +39 3295455796


The conference proceeding have been not issued yet. You can find some documents in this folder. However audio and video recording of the whole conference (both sessions) are available upon request, unfortunatly in poor quality. Please write to Zone onlus:
info@zoneassociation.org and specify the format required


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