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“Non dimenticare: Bononia docet a Londra”
18 Agosto 2005
Lettere e Interventi
Rodolfo Sabelli

Caro Eddy, sfogliando la rete ho letto un interessante articolo di Geoff Andrews sul sito Open Democracy. L'articolo mi ha colpito per l'appello accorato ai Londinesi a "non dimenticare" indicando l'esperienza di Bologna come utile alla crescita di una società civile e anche per l'analisi (purtroppo) attenta delle "nostre" povere storie contemporanee.

"This has become crucial in a country where history continues to constrain the present in very particular ways. The current right-wing government of Silvio Berlusconi, which includes post-fascists, has depended upon a revisionist account of the past, refusing to take part in the annual celebrations of the defeat of fascism, while local post-fascists in Bologna even tried to change the commemorative plaque to the station bombing which condemned “fascist terrorism”. This year, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the tragedy, the government has been criticised for giving only lukewarm support to the commemorative events."

Grazie per il tuo lavoro, un forte abbraccio.

[Qui l'articolo in italiano per Eddyburg, e il link al sito originale]


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